
Frequently asked questions

Ask the Experts

1. How often should my septic tank be pumped?

Pumping may depend on the size of your family. A family of 4 should have their tank pumped about every 2 years. A 2-member household should be pumped every 3 years. Systems with larger families, families that use their laundry and their garbage disposals frequently should be pumped on a yearly basis. Pumping frequency may also depend on the type of system the house currently has.

2. How do I know if my system is not functioning properly?

If you system is showing any of these signs, it may need to be checked by a professional:

  • Water surfacing on the ground
  • Gurgling in the downstairs plumbing/downstairs toilet or laundry tub not draining properly
  • Toilets and sinks draining slowly
  • System backups
  • Pump station alarm is going off
  • Foul sewage odors inside the house or outside
3. What happens during a Septic Inspection?

One of our licensed septic inspectors will check the following on-site. Inspections can last anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the condition and accessibility.

  • The type of system
  • The capacity of the tank in gallons
  • Was the liquid in the tank at the proper level?
  • Was there any surface discharge observed or effluent noticed on the ground?
  • Did water enter the tank from the house?
  • Was the outlet tee in place?
  • Did the tank appear to be in good working condition?
  • Does the tank have lids and risers? Are they in good condition?
  • Did the level of solids in the tank warrant pumping?
  • Was the system working properly as observed?
4. Will there be odors while and/or after the septic pumping service?

There can be odors immediately after the septic pumping service, but they should not last long. The odors are usually outside and will disperse a few hours after the septic pumping service. If you are experiencing odors in your home, give us a call. This could be a sign of an impending septic back up!

5. I’m in the process of selling my home or property – is it required to have a septic inspection?

In the state of Iowa, it is required to have a septic system inspection prior to sale. Inspections are required in most other states. It’s best to check with your local Board of Health or town hall as it may vary from town to town or state to state.

6. Is my garbage disposal bad for my septic system?

Garbage disposals are not bad for systems, so long as they are accounted for in the original design and management of the system. Many homeowners will install garbage disposals on an existing kitchen without updating their septic to handle the added load. Garbage disposals add organic mass to the tank, so the design process calls for a 50% increase in the volume of tanks, as well as a filter or divided tank.

7. What could cause my septic system to fail?

1. Lack of maintenance. Many people believe that if a septic system isn’t backing up, it must be fine. 
2. Using more water than the system is designed to handle.  
3. Using your septic system as a garbage can. Paint, grease, left over medication, oil, and other nonorganic waste should never end up in a septic system.

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